Here's a collection of resources or organizations that you might find helpful as a person in or involved with the construction industry. We'd love to grow this page, so please send your thoughts and suggestions our way!
NAWIC: The leading association for women in construction
Core Purpose: Strengthen and amplify the success of women in the construction industry.
Mission Statement: The association is committed to championing women to impact the direction of the construction industry. NAWIC provides education, community and advocacy for women.
PWC: Professional Women in Construction
Core Purpose: PWC is a national nonprofit organization that seeks to support, advance, and connect women and promote diversity within the architecture, engineering, construction, (AEC) and related industries.
CRB Group
Pave your own road: 8 tips for women in construction
Women in Construction Week highlights the valuable and growing role women play in the construction industry. In connection with that effort, I want to help more women enter the field and succeed. I’ve found a fulfilling career path in construction and hope my experience can pave the way for other women to do the same.
As we see more diverse representation in the construction workforce, revolutionary change lies in women supporting and mentoring women. As the saying goes, “Empowered Women Empower Women,” so here are some tips on how we can empower ourselves and pay it forward.